As the saying goes, "All good things come to a close" so to is Saguaro Painting Service. It has been 9 years ago that I started SPS and I have painted thousands of miniatures, but alas, not many of my own. So I have decided to shut down SPS as its now time for me to focus on my own painting.
I would like to thank all of my customers over the past 9 years, you guys were able to keep me from loosing my home when I was out of work and you provided me with a reason to not give up! So thank you once again for taking a chance with this small company of one!
When I started SPS, it was all about making money to keep my head afloat, my family thought it was crazy that I could get paid painting toy soldiers, but after a few years, they saw that it could be done. It was hard work, there were many commissions that I really hated working on, but in the end I am proud of every commission I completed and I only had one repaint project out of the nine years ( and it was only two 15mm tanks that I put the wrong camp scheme on!).
Now I may still form time to time paint up a few things for people, but the day of having three or more commissions sitting on the desk are done. I am excited about this new phase of my painting, because no I can paint when I want, what I want and take as long as I need.
So once again, thank you to all my customers, you guys rock, but now it's time for my own figures to see some paint love...
Tim Kulinski
Saguaro Painting Service