Monday, December 7, 2009

Painting Service Price List & Information

Here is the price list and further explanation on services.

These prices are based on 25mm to 32mm
Assembly costs:Assemble cost is based on cleaning, priming and mounting figures to a standard base provided with the miniature.

Single Infantry Plastic $1.25
Single Infantry Metal $1.75
Multi part Infantry Plastic kits $2.00
GW Finecast $2.50
Large Monsters or medium sized kits $15.00
Vehicles $20.00 - $30.00

You can elect to either have me assemble the models or you can assemble the models and have them sent to me. If you assemble the models yourself, be sure you are satisfied with how they look. Unless specified, I will not do any further cleaning of the models, so make sure your satisfied with your cleaning & assembly.

Pack your models well. However, if any are broke we will gladly repair them for a nominal charge. We repair up to five breaks at no charge and without giving you any complaint-- we ask for the same consideration on your end.

Please put small parts into larger envelopes/containers/baggies so that they are not lost, especially if they are for conversions on specific models.

I will not accept painted models to paint over, they must either be primed or bare plastic or metal. I can for a fee, strip the models down to bare metal or plastic and re-prime them. This will cost extra and will be discussed at the beginning of the project.

Conversion CostsI would recommend setting a budget for conversion work. This will allow me to get creative without asking for approval each time. Typically, clients will set a $50-$150 budget for conversions for a whole army. The price you set is a maximum, I may not use all of that and this covers the cost of the parts used and conversion work itself. I will also retain any bits that are left over to add to my bits box for further conversions. An example would be something like you want a Giant model to have a necklace of skeleton heads on it, if I have to buy a box of skeletons for the heads, I will keep the rest of the bits for future conversions. Extensive conversions such as major Green Stuff work will be extra and will be discussed at the beginning of the project.

Movement Trays
Some armies need movement trays. I can build these to custom fit your army and will be textured and painted to match your bases. Cost is $15 each. Please specify the dimensions width x depth (example, 5x4 is five models wide and four models deep). I use Games Workshops Warhammer Modular Movement trays, others can be used but the price will vary.

Painting Costs
I have three levels of painting available each explained below.

Basic Level – A basic paint job is applied to the model and then they are “Dipped” in Polyurethane made by Minwax. This gives the model a protective coating and creates instant shading. A matte finish is then sprayed on the model to knock down the shine give it a nice matte finish.
Basic paint and dipped, Matte Finish applied. $6.00

Intermediate Level – Is follows the same as the basic level painting but highlights are then painted on to add further depth to the model, it is than finished off with a matte sealer as above.
Basic paint, dipped, highlights applied, matte finish. $8.00 – $14.00

Hero Level – This follows the same as the Basic and Intermediate above but extra care is taken to add that extra plus to the model. This may include adding extra details such to make this model stand out more than the rest of them. Basically more time goes into painting this model to make it stand out.
Basic paint, dipped, highlights, applied, extra details, matte finish. $15.00 and Up

Cavalry models would be double the cost depending on the level, so a Basic Level Cavalry model would be $12.00 a figure since I have to paint two models. If Intermediate level, it would be $16.00 – $24.00 for the cavalry model. Chariots would need to be discussed and price may vary.

Large monster, vehicles may be higher, e-mail for price.

Basing Costs
There are also three levels of basing, Basic, Custom, Aftermarket. Each described below.

Basic, has Liqutex Stucco or Resin sand applied, painted, highlighted and static grass applied. $1.00 per model

Custom has Liqutex Stucco or Resin sand applied rubble or other special bits added to base, painted, highlighted and static grass or other material applied. $2.00 – $5.00 per model

Aftermarket – Many companies have aftermarket bases available, the cost is based on how much the bases cost & the availability to get said bases. E-mail for price

15mm or smaller pricing
Assembly costs:Assemble cost is based on cleaning, priming and mounting figures to a standard base provided with the miniature.

Assembly cost per Blister $5.00 - $10.00

Painting Costs
I only provided a Basic level to 15mm or smaller. This is still a good war gamer quality as much like the 25mm or larger figures.

Infantry Squads $1.00 per figure
Artillery $2.00 per gun
Vehicles $5.00 per vehicle
Additional fees may be added if doing complicated camo schemes.

Basing Costs
There are also three levels of basing, Basic, Custom, Aftermarket. Each described below.

Basic, has Liqutex Stucco or Resin sand applied, painted, highlighted and static grass applied. $1.00

Custom has Liqutex Stucco or Resin sand applied rubble or other special bits added to base, painted, highlighted and static grass or other material applied. $2.00 – $5.00

Aftermarket – Many companies have aftermarket bases available, the cost is based on how much the bases cost & the availability to get said bases. E-mail for price

Terrain Commissions
I do accept terrain commissions for various game systems and scales. You will need to e-mail me the details of what your looking or and what your budget is. I can create single small pieces, army display boards and full blown tables. But once again I would need to work with you to see what you have in mind.

Before we begin
Before we put brush to model, we require the cost of materials and half the total cost of assembly/painting as a down payment. If you are sending us models, we'll need them at least a week or two before the scheduled start of the project. This will allow us to get the prep work done.

TurnaroundYou can expect your project to get done in two to six weeks. I am a one man show here, so if you have a deadline or need your models in time for a tournament, I will be glad to accommodate you if you bring it up before the project is started. But please understand, that I am a one man show, your lack of planning on not getting your stuff to me in a timely fashion does not constitute an emergency on my part, so please be aware of that.

PaymentI accept payments through PayPal, Money Order or cash if you are local.
PayPal should be sent to

I do not accept personal checks, sorry.

If you send a Money Order, please be advised that there is a small risk sending money through the mail. If you send a MO in a package be sure it is in a large and/or brightly marked envelope on the top. You will get an email confirmation of receipt of a MO. If you get a confirmation of receipt of models, but not of payment, please contact us right away.

Make Money Orders out to Tim Kulinski.

The whole cost must be settled before models are shipped or handed over. This includes shipping costs

Abandoned Models: If you do not pay for your models within three weeks of completion, and have not made arrangements for payment, you will forfeit the models and everything that you paid for up front.

Clients inside the continental US and Canada pay a flat shipping charge starting at $4.90 and going up based on USPS rates.

Clients outside the continental US must contact me for rates.

If you send your models in an army transport, we may send them back in the army transport. This is not always the best way, but it is prohibitively expensive to send the models packed separately with the case on the side. So, we might charge extra for that. We prefer that you not send cases.

Matching Existing WorkI am often asked if I can match or duplicate work done by other painters. I will try to match color schemes. In most cases I can do a good job of matching work, however, I do not guarantee that it will turn out exactly the same. Saguaro Painting has a unique style and there are many other styles of painting. If you are worried about matching as closely as possible, you should send a sample model-- even if it's one that I painted!

So there you go, I look forward to working with you in the future